Become a training centre and reinforce your brand image
Strengthen your brand image and your organisation’s culture with fully customisable training courses and experiences. Breathe life into your distribution network and offer relevant best practices, roleplaying scenarios and other content. Bring your sales networks and stakeholders into alignment with your quality standards.
Improve your distribution network’s knowledge and skills
Stay a step ahead and offer your distribution network a training environment straight out of the gate for a product launch or event. Training courses allow you to assess your partners’ skills and establish long-term certification programmes.
Stay close to your network with mobile learning
Offer short training content and courses that suit how your distribution network works. These people are often mobile and spread out geographically, so they appreciate a custom mobile application with content that they can take on the go.
Offer powerful and customised learning experiences.
Interface customisation
Customise learning paths and create a unified experience by matching your e-learning portal interface to your brand image. Create a home page related to your brand to introduce your distributors to their learning content.
Authoring tool
Quickly create your training courses and questionnaires and increase the interactivity of your training courses thanks to 7 exercise templates allowing you to create more than 30 types of exercises. Easily enrich your modules by importing documents, images, podcasts, videos, animations and third-party content (HTLM, AICC, SCORM, etc.). The task manager also facilitates collaborative work between authors and contributors.
Create emulation and game dynamics within your training system thanks to credits, badges, points, rankings and duels between learners.
Mobile learning app
Fit with the modern practices and give your learners the choice to follow their learning content on any device (PC, tablet or smartphone) thanks to the responsive design. Go even further by offering a mobile application adapted to the daily uses of your target learners.